The Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings: Aesthetic and Functional Benefits

The Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings: Aesthetic and Functional Benefits Request Appointment When it comes to dental fillings, gone are the days when metallic amalgam was the only option available. Today, tooth-colored fillings in Coral Gables have become increasingly popular, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. This modern approach to cavity treatment is changing the way we think […]

Questions to Ask at Your Prosthodontist Appointment

Questions to Ask at Your Prosthodontist Appointment Request Appointment Your visit to a prosthodontist in Coral Gables is a crucial step towards improving your oral health and achieving the smile you desire. To make the most of your appointment, it’s important to come prepared with the right questions. Here are six essential questions to ask during your […]

5 Dental Problems And How Prosthodontist Solve Them

5 Dental Problems And How Prosthodontist Solve Them Request Appointment Your smile is a valuable asset, and when dental problems emerge, it is critical to seek the advice of a prosthodontist. Prosthodontists are dental professionals who have received advanced training in tooth repair and replacement, handling a wide range of dental disorders with accuracy and […]