The Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings: Aesthetic and Functional Benefits

The Advantages of Tooth-Colored Fillings: Aesthetic and Functional Benefits Request Appointment When it comes to dental fillings, gone are the days when metallic amalgam was the only option available. Today, tooth-colored fillings in Coral Gables have become increasingly popular, offering both aesthetic and functional benefits. This modern approach to cavity treatment is changing the way we think […]

5 Ways Tooth Filling Can Improve Your Oral Health

5 Ways Tooth Filling Can Improve Your Oral Health Request Appointment Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is heavily reliant on oral health, which is an essential component of general well-being. Getting tooth fillings is a frequent dental operation that can significantly improve oral health. The advantages of dental fillings in Coral Gables go beyond only treating dental decay, […]

Composite Fillings: Benefits & Aftercare

Composite Fillings: Benefits & Aftercare Request Appointment Composite Dental Fillings in Coral Gables have become extremely popular when it comes to dental restorations because of their realistic appearance and sturdiness. Here we will discuss composite fillings and the necessary aftercare to guarantee a long-lasting, healthy smile if you need a dental filling or thinking of replacing […]